Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Play

 The girls were in a Thanksgiving play & choir that I directed.  They did a great job learning their lines & songs - their first on stage performance.

Bailey: First Haircut & More

New Cousin: Henry

Lots to Learn

 The start of the school year - lots of learning going on all the time.  Madison is in 1st grade this year and she's such a smarty pants I can hardly keep her busy enough!  She loves it.

September 2012

A Little Behind

As SO many people seem to use Facebook pretty regularly, I've been mostly converted to posting on it pretty exclusively.  But I still do want to maintain the blog to keep it somewhat current.  Looks like I'm not even 6 months behind, so I guess I'm doing pretty well. ;)  So here goes some catch up from the summer...

Friday, August 31, 2012

Summer Memories

The summer has flown by!  Here are a few clips from notable events...

Madison's 5th Birthday Party

First time Bowling

Darien Lake Amusement Park

Dress Up

Mother's Day

Bocce Ball

Swimming with Friends

Sunflower Field

Spray Park

Watkins Glen