Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Play

 The girls were in a Thanksgiving play & choir that I directed.  They did a great job learning their lines & songs - their first on stage performance.

Bailey: First Haircut & More

New Cousin: Henry

Lots to Learn

 The start of the school year - lots of learning going on all the time.  Madison is in 1st grade this year and she's such a smarty pants I can hardly keep her busy enough!  She loves it.

September 2012

A Little Behind

As SO many people seem to use Facebook pretty regularly, I've been mostly converted to posting on it pretty exclusively.  But I still do want to maintain the blog to keep it somewhat current.  Looks like I'm not even 6 months behind, so I guess I'm doing pretty well. ;)  So here goes some catch up from the summer...