Monday, February 11, 2008

Farewell Winston

A little less than 3 years ago, we welcomed Winston into our home as part of our family. We were newly married and at least for a while, he was our baby.

Due to our imminent move, tonight we said goodbye to Winston as he left us and went to his new home. He will remain in Nebraska when we move. He'll have a new family to love him, and new animal friend companions.

He's been a good cat. He's mischievous - we affectionately call him the 'orange terd' - but he can be mushy, too. He's got quite the personality. We've enjoyed the time he's spent in our family & we'll miss having him with us.

1 comment:

Sarah M. said...

Must be hard to say goodbye, but at least he's going to a good and happy home. Praying your move goes well. Let me know once you get settled.