Oh - I should add, the other non-Little People here is Noah from a cloth Noah's Ark set. But Madison calls him 'Moses'. All old men or Bible characters are 'Moses'. She reads a book about Jesus and when pointing to the picture says, 'Moses!' We were in the parking lot of a Catholic church the other day and there was a statue of Mary. She pointed to it, crying out excitedly, "Moses!!" I was like - well, close enough. ;-)

Avery at 16 weeks (I started to type 14 and when I counted it out realized I was off by 2 weeks - Oops!) -- Starting to look older, must be the hair coming in -

She is looking older. She looks nice and healthy, and beautiful. I love the "Moses" thing. They do all look the same in the kids illustrations books.
Curious, what does she do with the little people? That's hilarious about "moses". :)
Sarah - Right now she doesn't do much of anything with the Little People. I keep waiting for her to 'play' with them. Mostly she just lines them up. However, we have a Little People video she's started watching recently, and I think since watching that, she 'plays' with them more.
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