Saturday, October 20, 2007

What's In A Name

I was taking a break from cleaning - checking email - and somehow I followed some links that took me to websites with baby names and meanings. Now, Madison had been a favorite name of both Matt & mine for a long time, so we knew what our first daughter would be named. But because we already had the name picked out, I never stopped to look up what it meant. So just for fun, here's all of us...

Madison - Good; son of Maud or son of Matthew(!); son of a mighty warrior. [in our case, daughter!]
Christa - Follower of Christ.
Matthew - Gift of God.
Winston (our cat) - Joy stone or battle stone. [since he likes to grab my feet as I walk by him, definitely the battle part!]

1 comment:

Niecey said...

That's cool about the son of Matthew thing!