So here I am this time at 32 Weeks --

Size-wise, I don't think I'm far off what I was last time -- Here's me pregnant with Madison at 30 Weeks --

And here was 37 Weeks last time --

So we'll see if I'm as big with this one at 37 weeks as I was last time!
I'll say one thing, so far I would MUCH rather be pregnant in the summer than the winter time. Summer heat didn't cause me discomfort before (I was in a/c all the time anyway) -- though it may have contributed to the excessive swelling I had last time. But this whole having to wear coats and pants and socks and shoes and boots.... it's getting ridiculous! One of my most loathesome daily chores is having to somehow reach my feet to be able to put on socks. I would MUCH rather be able to wear a skirt, a pair of flip flops and ponder the idea of taking a sweater along. Made life with a belly a whole lot simpler.
That 37 weeks photo of you from Madison is so pretty! Your bump is looking awesome. So cute :)Looks about perfect for 32 weeks.
I think that you look absolutely beautiful! It is fun to see your growing tummy again! We hope that all goes well with this birth and that you can be awake for this one! :-) Have you picked out a name that you are sharing yet? Take care and give Madison a hug!
Michelle for all
You know, I never thought of the shoes/coats/sox, etc. part of being pregnant in the winter... but you're right. It is very easy to slide on flip flops at 38 weeks than it would be to put on snow boots. Hang in there! Almost done! I can't believe it!!
And yes, you're looking great. :)
I think I've decided "You're looking great" at this stage is code for "Wow! You're not looking as fat as I expected you to look by now!" ;-) ;-)
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