Our house used to be owned by the 'cat lady' who fed all the stray cats in town. She used to leave the garage door open for the cats to live inside -- there's still straw all in the back area of the garage which needs to be cleaned out. The whole thing needs to be disinfected. It's a fantastic space with a lot of potential but will take some time, money & work to get it up to 'useable' status. Well - useable for anything other than parking our cars inside.

The yard extends to the neighbors' fences and down to the back end of the garage. There is a giant black walnut tree in the back yard which, this fall has been a curse, but I can't help but think in the spring & summer (when it's not dropping its horrible messy walnuts all over our yard) it will be a blessing with potential itself. (Forts? Swings?)

Going back into the house...
...and through the kitchen to the side porch. This will be a great room in the warmer months.
The weather was still mild when we first moved in, and this was the play room where we confined the kids as we worked on the house - they loved it. Eventually (we might not wait for our ship to come in for this one ;-) we would like to winterize this to use year round.
Here's a view from outside looking at the side porch.
The tour continues upstairs...
1 comment:
Thanks for posting all the pictures. I am SO glad you guys finally own the house. Don't stress about what you have to do. It'll come in time. I keep hoping that we'll be done with our remodeling by our 5th anniversary in our house... we'll see. Thankfully it doesn't look like you have THAT much work to do. :)
Btw, black walnuts can be a blessing even though they appear to be a curse. Is there anyone in the area that buys the nuts (shell and all)? In MO you can bag up the black walnuts with their shells still on and sell them for a good amount of money. Black walnuts are rather pricey to buy already shelled.
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