Today was supposed to be our big day at Seabreeze, an amusement park not far from us. We were so looking forward to it; it's been several years since we've gone to an amusement park. With the extra hot weather we've had lately, we were looking forward to cooling down in the waterpark, floating around the Lazy River, and enjoying roller coasters and tilt-a-whirls all day. Instead of a sunny, warm day, we were the victims of typical NY weather. Suddenly it's been cold and barely 60 degrees this week. After considering the forecast & the prospect of losing out on half the rides in the park, we decided to change plans for the day. We instead went to the Clubhouse for putt-putt golf and then to our friends' house for dinner and games. All in all it still turned out to be a fun day off, and hopefully we'll still get to Seabreeze - once it's hot and sizzly again.
1 comment:
Aw well looks like you had fun anyway and you still have the whole seabreeze thing to look forward to.
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